Why Write

After I began this blog, I stumbled upon a search string that read: "why is writing in life a necessity", so I searched the question in Google and the first site listed is Writing In Life, specifically my poem entitled Necessity.  I thought to myself, "I don't have an answer to this question.  The answer could be many things to many people".  As I reread the poem, the irony nearly took my breath away, as these eight simple lines are about needing "a voice and to be heard" in order to attain life's wants.  How do many people find a voice? Writing.  How are many people heard? Writing.  For many, these are the reasons that writing in life is a necessity. 

My Voice:  Since I was a child, I had a great love for words and since then we have had an intense relationship.  It has not always been an affair to remember.  We have our ups and downs, but the words never leave me and I do my best to give them all of their worth.  What they give to me is irreplaceable. A voice. My voice. To talk about my life. My triumphs, struggles, losses and lessons.  These are words of humor, grief, hurt, betryal, suffering, healing, learning and growing. They lead me to insight.  They bring catharsis and strength.  They gain meaning as they come together in a rhythm my vocal chords can never seem to find. 

Being Heard:  I remember being little and how thrilled I was to hear positive feedback on my work.  When I was in Second Grade I wrote a Halloween story that the teacher was so excited about, that she read it to the entire faculty.  My words meant something to others.  How exciting! Since then, I understood how rewarding being heard feels.  How it can motivate, inspire, sooth, and heal.  There are instances when even in writing, I have not been heard, but I can count those times on one hand, so I am undaunted.  Not every person we speak to is listening to us with an open heart, so persistence is the key that will someday open the door. 

So now, I invite you into my world ... my life.  The life in which my writing is my voice.  Thank you for hearing me.

-Christina Grogan