Tea & Sympathy 108-110 Greenwich Ave. New York, NY |
For the next 6 months to 2 years, life consists of all sorts of drama. Phone calls, emails, text messages from the other bridesmaids, suggesting high tea parties (I suggest we go to Tea and Sympathy and chuckle to myself) to discuss the wedding plans.
For every event, there is drama. Debates on venues, gifts, and favors become more complicated that the Lincoln Douglas debates of 1858. Color schemes, fabrics, strappy vs. pumps, bus or limo, Friday or Saturday, flatware vs dishware, and on and on and on You know how I get through it? A lot of yessing, nodding, talking behind their backs, and drinking. The lovely bride-to-be has morphed into "something" that her best girl relatives and friends never thought she would fall prey to ... a ghoul of sorts. She cries at the drop of a hat. She cuts her sister off because poor big sis suggested Lillie's instead of Roses. She goes to weekly appointments, with her groom reluctantly in tow, to learn about and dissect the art of napkin folding. She is removed by security at Bloomingdales for causing a scene over bridesmaid gifts. The bridesmaids are yelled at, manipulated, accused of being jealous or in my case indifferent. She wants bridesmaid #3 to lose 10lbs and bridesmaid #5 to color her hair to match the hideous dress. All communication with the bride-to-be consists of statements beginning with: "We like ...", "I want ...", "my parents said they would ...", "She is being a bitch ..."